Morse Code from Bhandarkar Publications is your standalone app for Morse code education using tutorials. Learn Morse Code for alphabets, numbers and the required special characters.
The suggestion for creating this Mobile App was first given to us by Capt.Nitin Mainkar who is great teacher.
Easy to access the menu with Tutorial for the app. The menu also gives you access to the converter. Just type in your message to get the respective Morse code or enter the Morse code to decode the message.
Toggle between these options with the switch button and Play the decoded Morse code using the play button.
Adjust the speed and frequency of the tone with the meter on the top right corner.
The only Morse Code application you will ever require. The app for everyone including seafarers brought to you by Bhandarkar Publications.
Código Morse da Bhandarkar Publicações é o seu aplicativo independente para a educação código Morse usando tutoriais. Saiba Código Morse para alfabetos, números e caracteres especiais necessários.
A sugestão para a criação deste Mobile App foi dado a nós por Capt.Nitin Mainkar que é grande professor.
Fácil de acessar o menu com Tutorial para o aplicativo. O menu também dá acesso ao conversor. Basta digitar a sua mensagem para obter o respectivo código Morse ou digite o código Morse para decodificar a mensagem.
Alternar entre estas opções com o botão interruptor e jogar o código Morse decodificado usando o botão play.
Ajuste a velocidade e frequência do tom com o medidor no canto superior direito.
A única aplicação Código Morse você nunca vai exigir. O aplicativo para todos, incluindo marítimos trazido a você por Bhandarkar Publications.
Morse Code from Bhandarkar Publications is your standalone app for Morse code education using tutorials. Learn Morse Code for alphabets, numbers and the required special characters.
The suggestion for creating this Mobile App was first given to us by Capt.Nitin Mainkar who is great teacher.
Easy to access the menu with Tutorial for the app. The menu also gives you access to the converter. Just type in your message to get the respective Morse code or enter the Morse code to decode the message.
Toggle between these options with the switch button and Play the decoded Morse code using the play button.
Adjust the speed and frequency of the tone with the meter on the top right corner.
The only Morse Code application you will ever require. The app for everyone including seafarers brought to you by Bhandarkar Publications.